MyBlogLog Login Migration To Yahoo Login

Greetings All,

I found out that MyBlogLog Login was migrated to Yahoo Login. I have this feeling that the migration of the logins took place long time ago probably a few months ago but I noticed it only yesterday. I did not realize it because I am always log on 24 hours daily.

It is when I clicked my account link on top that it directed me to a Yahoo Login followed by myBlogLog Login. They are merging the 2 logins. Initially I got an error on my step 2. I felt very frustrated. Tried again but the same result keep repeating. I ended up emailing the support group. Only this morning that I am able to complete my MgBlogLog Login migration to Yahoo login.

It is strange when you receive no news about the migration at all from MyBlogLog. I wonder why there are no news to inform it’s members. Initially I thought Yahoo bought over MyBlogLog. Hahaha.. I felt so ignorant & stupid!

Here is the link about the news..
(Expired.. Link No Longer Active)

For those of you who are like me, always log on 24 hours daily, you should log out & login again to complete the migration to yahoo login. If you encounter error, please email the support for assistance.

The funny thing about it, all this while, I thought MyBlogLog is not under Yahoo services but they are. Yahoo are sure one BIG happy family.. Hahaha..

Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz)

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3 responses to “MyBlogLog Login Migration To Yahoo Login”

  1. Dane Avatar


    I know this is not the correct forum to be asking this but I cannot find an answer to my probem.

    Am trying to install Mybloglog on my Mandigo theme – wordpress. I get error communicating with mybloglog API. What does that mean and do you have any suggestions. Ihave done the configuratio as they have asked. Your help would be appreciated Uanz.



  2. Muhammad Riduan Ramli (Uanz) Avatar

    Hi Dane.. sorry for the late reply.. Im not a techie guy.. So far, whatever instruction they ask me to do to make this work works for me.. I would suggest you contact the mybloglog & mandigo owner to solve your problem.. They could help you better as they know better about their own stuffs..

  3. Yunie Avatar

    I used to blog. I wanted to post in MyBlogLog today and found out that Yahoo! has taken over. How can I able to log in again? Please guide me.
    I have tried to search for the access at Yahoo! but in vain

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